Anti-Corruption opens investigation into 11,000 state aid for former minister Angelovska’s company  


The Anti-Corruption Commission is working on the government’s first set of measures to help companies affected by the corona crisis, including the one received by the company in which the now former Minister of Finance Nina Angelovska is the co-owner, Radio Free Europe reports.

A total of 11 thousand euros in three months, the state aid for payment of salaries to the company WebSpot DOO, according to data from the transparency tool Open Finance. However, the attention of the public towards this company was attracted by the fact that one of the owners of this company is former Minister of Finance in the SDSM government Nina Angelevska who took care of the distribution of the state budget, wrote RFE.

According to the Central Register data, Angelovska is registered as one of the three owners and founders of the online trading platform – with a participation in the founding investment of 2,600 euros.

The WebSpot company told RFE that the company always worked in accordance with all legal regulations. Hence, the company has observed that principle of operation in relation to the application of the measure for payment of salaries.

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