The Online Parliament project is unconstitutional


VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonio Miloshoski wrote on Facebook that the ruling majority in the Parliament wasnot only weak, but also inconsistent, and the attempt to pass a “temporary rulebook” for online votingof MPs from home is in order to cover up the inability of the ruling coalition to provide a quorum of 61 MPs to work in Parliament.

“It’s a paradox how a driver can do his job on the bus, a teacher can do his job in a classroom, a doctor can be at work in a hospital, a journalist and a construction worker as well, and 61 high-paid MPs and good working conditions allegedly due to health risk could not come to work. But there is a problem. Such a project for an online Parliament is unconstitutional (contrary to Article 69), is an attempt to degrade transparency and democratic public criticism in the legislature, and as such is unacceptable for the opposition that is present and active in Parliament,” Miloshoski said.

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