S&P: Denar and banking system remain stable


The latest report from the credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s stresseS that the monetary policy stance and measures of the National Bank contribute to neutralizing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Macedonian economy, and that the banking system remains stable , reports the National Bank of Macedonia on Saturday.

In the latest report of the Standard & Poor’s agency, which confirms the credit rating of the country of “BB-” with a stable outlook, as pointed out by the central bank, special emphasis is placed on the monetary policy and measures of the National Bank during the coup – the crisis, the Denar exchange rate and the situation in the banking system.

The Standard & Poor’s agency notes that the monetary policy stance and measures of the National Bank contribute to neutralizing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Macedonian economy. The agency separately points out the reduction of the key interest rate to the historically lowest level, the regulatory space for postponement of the collection of credit liabilities and the measures for providing additional liquidity in the banking system.

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