First COVID-19 patient cured with ECMO technologyin Macedonia


The application of ECMO technology in the AcibademSistina Clinical Hospital saved the life of a 45-year-old COVID-19 patient, who was admitted in an extremely serious condition with fairly advanced COVID pneumonia, and this is the first patient in Macedonia who is cured of the disease caused by the new coronavirus using this technology.

Due to the very poor clinical picture, the patient was first placed on a respirator, and after the conciliatory opinion of the team of doctors at AcibademSistinaand infectologist from the CGH September 8, the patient was transferred to an ECMO device, which was crucial for his survival.

Head of cardiac surgery anesthesia Dr. DimceSlaveski says that the ECMO device is the last resort and chance for survival for COVID-19 patients in critical condition.

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