Minimum cost of living at MKD 33,538 in August


33,538 denars, or about 500 euros, is the value of the union minimum basket for August this year. These were the needs of a household for food, drink, housing, hygiene, transportation, clothing, footwear, etc.

The data of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) on the value of the trade union minimum basket, show that most of the funds were spent on food and beverages 41.81 percent or 14,022.45 denars. The needs for housing were 10,780.47 denars or 32.14 percent, for hygiene according to the minimum union basket were needed 2,366.04 denars, for transportation 2,466.69 denars, for clothes and shoes 2,118.95 denars.

The average net salary paid in June this year amounted to 26,867 denars, therefore 53.47 percent is spent on food and beverages, 38.79 percent on housing, 30.47 percent on utility costs, and 8.32 percent on household equipment, household equipment and maintenance. 8.67 percent was spent on hygiene, i.e. 3.56 percent on personal hygiene, 5.11 percent on home hygiene, 9.11 percent on transportation, 7.98 percent on clothing and footwear, 3.97 percent on culture, and maintaining health at 2.64 percent.

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