The government and Filipce do not listen to the requests of the catering businesses


Catering businesses are looking for protocols and through dialogue to make joint decisions about how they will function in the winter, given that the corona crisis is likely to last. Caterers are practically looking for new protocols because the existing ones are inapplicable and bring them losses.

“We do not have protocols that may affect catering facilities, such as those for weddings and those that operate as nightclubs,” said the Independent Catering Chamber.

They are dissatisfied with the existing protocols because they cannot be implemented in practice.

“The problem we face is that the Commission for Infectious Diseases makes decisions and protocols that we need to implement, which in practice cannot be implemented. On the other hand, they carry protocols that make large-scale events with several thousand people where protocols cannot be followed, and at the same time we do not have protocols that may affect catering facilities, such as those for weddings and those that work as night clubs,” said the President of the Chamber Zdravko Josifovski.

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