VMRO-DPMNE: The electricity price hike is a result of Zaev’s desire for money


SDSM controls the ERC through party activists Marko Bislimovski and Panche Orcev. Bislimovski and Orcev do not work for the interests of the people, but for the interests of the party, VMRO-DPMNE pointed out in a statement to the public.

“The electricity price hike is a result of the desire for money. The people pay more for electricity so that the Strumica security agency can pump tens of millions of euros from the universal electricity supplier, trucks with Strumica license plates to turn in REK, and SDSM financiers to win tenders for coal mining of 6.4 million euros. State-owned energy companies are being used to rob people, filling tens of millions of euros into private accounts. While Zaev fills his pocket, the people barely have money for food,” says VMRO-DPMNE.

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