The country’s EU accession process would last between five and ten years, and it depends on us, says Zaev


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev during the panel discussion dedicated to the Western Balkans within The Economist conference said that after the agreements with Bulgaria and Greece, Macedonia is a country that has developed great friendship with all neighbors, and speaking about the European perspective explained that the country, along with Albania, expects to start negotiations with the European Union in December.

Regarding how long it would take for Macedonia to become a full member of the European Union, Zaev said that we have realistic expectations and the process will last as long as necessary.

Commenting on how long it might take North Macedonia to become a member of the EU, the PM said the process ‘will take as much time as necessary.’ “Five, seven, ten years. It depends on us, but it also depends on the EU and how focused it is on the Western Balkans,” Zaev added.


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