Gjorgiev: We find it unacceptable for Goce Delchev to be registered as Bulgarian


Bulgaria’s request for Goce Delchev to be registered as a Bulgarian remains unacceptable for the Macedonian side, said Dragi Gjorgiev, co-chair of the Macedonian team in the Joint Committee on Historical Issues with Bulgaria.

In an interview with Telma TV ahead of the new meeting of the Joint Commission for Historical Issues between Northern Macedonia and Bulgaria to be held in Skopje on October 15 and 16 after a break of almost a year, he commented on the request of the Bulgarian team coming to Skopje. with an unchanged position, for Goce Delchev to identify himself as a Bulgarian.

“In resolving such conflict situations, if we take the European experience, there is always a dialogue on unresolved issues. For many conflict situations, dialogue is the only solution. We will continue the dialogue for Goce Delchev. However, in that dialogue, a solution should always be sought that is acceptable to both parties. An acceptable solution means that there will be no winner, ie both parties will be satisfied with the solution. Accepting a unilateral solution for Goce Delchev, whether he is Bulgarian or Macedonian is not a solution in this dispute,” says Gjorgiev.


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