Opposition accuses the government of wanting to populate a smaller town in a Skopje settlement


President of the City Committee of VMRO-DPMNE Vladimir Neloski pointed out that the municipal mayor Filip Temelkovski and the mayor of the capital Petre Shilegov want to populate in the settlement Kisela Voda a city the size of Negotino.

“At the moment, there are 32 hectares of green area in Rasadnik, of which 40% belong to the state and 60% to private owners. So, about 14 hectares are owned by the country. Unfortunately, in the planned DUP that Filip Temelkovski and SDSM want to bring to Kisela Voda, the area that will remain state under that DUP is only 10%, while the private area increases by 90%. What is even more frightening is that in this general urban plan that is being talked about, it is foreseen that there will be about 260,000 square meters of housing area on that area,” Neloski said.

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