I was fired because I posted a status against the government


Good evening, dear fellow citizens, comrades-in-arms and well-meaning people, but above all Macedonians. I am Kire Mihailov from Strumica, one of the many people who do not agree with this government, because of which we did not find ourselves on the street. Do you remember Valandovo and the statement that everyone from a cleaner to a minister will be fired? Remember the statement that living people would eat? That is exactly what is happening to us, every day in every institution, in every field, said Kire Mihailov in his address to the protest.

“I worked in JP Makedonski Sumi where I honestly and professionally did my job, a job that helped me to support my family. But if you can imagine, I was fired for a Facebook post, at a time when I was on unpaid leave, i.e. I was not employed, unfortunately that is the reality in Macedonia. Just for a written sentence against the government. Can you imagine how far their minds can go and what they can do and what they are ready for,” said Mihailov.

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