VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group: SDSM continues to violate basic human rights


The hybrid regime of SDSM continues to violate the basic freedoms and human rights of the citizens, said Ivanka Vasilevska on behalf of the VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group.

“Today the first session of the Standing Inquiry Commission for Protection of Freedoms and Rights of Citizens was scheduled in the Parliament, at which the agenda was the review of the complaint by citizen Goran Jovanovski from Tetovo. Jovanovski’s complaint refers to the inability to return to his job at the Employment Agency, due to direct mobbing, political intolerance and revanchism by the competent director. According to Article 8 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, one of the fundamental values ​​of the constitutional order of the Republic of Macedonia is the rule of law, while Article 9 describes that the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia are equal in freedom and rights regardless of national and social origin, political and religious beliefs”, said Vasilevska.

She added that the MPs of the government majority led by SDSM did not show up at the scheduled commission, thus “showing their true face and their attitude” to the entire Macedonian public towards the respect of basic human rights and freedoms.

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