Osmani claims: Bulgaria affirms our right to self-determination!


According to the answers of the EU Ambassador David Geer, an agreement between the ambassadors of the EU member states in Brussels on the negotiating framework for Macedonia was not reached, after being asked to comment an article published by Politico, claiming EU has reached compromise over Bulgaria’s demands toward Macedonia.

An agreement, he added, has to be reached regarding the negotiating framework, a reference point in the EU accession process, in order to organize the first intergovernmental conference and start the process.

“I hope this happens as soon as possible,” Geer said.

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani stressed in regard to Politico’s article that media aren’t reporting anything new regarding Bulgaria’s position, adding that we’re not a part of the debate going on inside the EU.

“Personally, I think that if Bulgaria affirms the right to self-determination, it will encourage social stakeholders and especially commissions of historians to approach historical events scientifically and come up with ways to honor historical figures,” Osmani said.

He stressed that politicians can only issue encouragement, but not interpret decisions. “There’s no way to interpret historical events other than jointly by historians and based on historical information,” Osmani noted.

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