SDSM increased debt by 20 percentin less than four years


Macedonia’s debt is 60.7 percent, which means that according to the Maastricht standards, those in the European Union that the authorities want to refer to so much are a highly indebted country. This means more difficult to secure loans, i.e. securing loans with much higher interest rates.

This way of managing the country made the money much more expensive so that it could function. This happened to the current government in just three years. For comparison, the debt in 2017 was 46 percent.

Expressed as a percentage of GDP, at the end of September this year, public debt accounted for 60.7 percent of GDP, after at the end of last year that share was below 50 percent, and was 49.4 percent. The 60 percent of GDP threshold, which is actually the Maastricht debt criterion, was exceeded at the end of the second quarter of this year, when it reached 60.3 percent of gross domestic product.

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