Macedonia with highest number of COVID-19 infections and deaths in the region


The latest data on the epidemiological situation show that the situation in the Republic of Macedonia is more than worrying. Namely, compared to the neighboring countries, it can be noticed that Macedonia breaks records, but only when it comes to new coronavirus cases and death.

According to the data published on the, Macedonia is in the leading position according to the number of coronavirus infections and deaths compared to Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Albania per million inhabitants.

Namely, Macedonia tops the list with highest number of infections per million inhabitants, ie 22,865, followed by Bulgaria with 14,181, Serbia with 10,016, Albania with 9,884 and Greece with 7,334.

Macedonia is also a leader according to the number of deaths per million inhabitants, ie 646 people per million inhabitants have died so far, followed by Bulgaria with 307 deaths, Albania with 219 deaths, Serbia – 118 people, and Greece – 112.

It is more than clear that the number of infections and dead in Macedonia is drastically higher compared to neighboring countries, which only once again confirms the poor management of the government and authorities with the coronavirus.

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