Dimitrov: We remain committed to the Treaty with Bulgaria, but language and identity cannot be negotiated


Deputy PM for European Affairs Nikola Dimitrov addressing Thursday an online conference “The Western Balkans on their path to the EU-Challenges and Opportunities for European Integration of the Western Balkans” said that efforts for a solution with Bulgaria will continue and that we remain committed to finding a solution, but only, as he said, within the realm of the possible.

“We are fully committed to the obligations arising from the Friendship Treaty, but we cannot speak or negotiate about language or identity. The language cannot be an obstacle to friendship, if that friendship is based on mutual respect and we will continue to convince our neigbours in Sofia that this is so. It is unwise if history will become a matter of debate among politicians; it should be left to historians. We cannot change history, but we can change today and tomorrow,” Dimitrov said in his keynote speech.


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