Government declares state of crisis


The Government decided Friday to declare a state of crisis at the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia for the purpose of protecting the public health in circumstances of a COVID-19 pandemic.

The state of crisis is declared upon a proposal of the Steering Committee for coordination and management of the crisis management system, preceded by a proposal by the Evaluation Group. Earlier in the week, the Security Council recommended a declaration of a nationwide state of crisis for the purpose of efficient management of the crisis consequences, the Government said in a press release.

On Friday, Health Minister Venko Filipche met with the owners of private hospitals based in Skopje, including Zhan Mutrev Hospital, Sistina and Remedika. They welcomed the decision saying they would put a disposal their hospitals’ resources as part of the efforts of the state to handle the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It is the first time that the state has to make a reorganization together with the private health institutions in handling the coronavirus crisis, to better define the conditions and ways the resources will be used. They should be formalized at a meeting tomorrow,” the Health Ministry said in a statement.

The Main Crisis Management HQ will hold a session Saturday at 4 pm to discuss the draft action plan for fight against the pandemic, which is being prepared by the Crisis Management Center. The session will be presided over by the acting head of the Crisis Management Center, Stojanche Angelov.

“It will not be nationalization, but the state will be the manager in the next 30 days. Legally, the compensation cannot be more than 30 percent of the market value,” said President Pendarovski.

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