VMRO-DPMNE: The criminal Zaev has concessions to Bulgaria – that is why he turns the country into private property


Zoran Zaev again treats Macedonia as if it were his private property. Zaev is still silent about what DUI leader said, i.e. that Zaev made an offer to Bulgaria without the public knowing what it was about, says VMRO-DPMNE.

The opposition party is asking what Zaev has given up this time.

“We are losing more and more with each passing day. At first he permanently endangered the positions of the state, promising unimaginable things and putting on the table identity, language and history, and now he is sending secret offers. Is this time Zaev again giving concessions to Bulgaria that Macedonia and future generations will have to pay?! Is the country being sold in secret offers in every possible way? Does Zaev promise Telekom, Macedonian Railways, TEC Negotino and other profitable Macedonian companies again in a package with the bargaining for Delchev and the language? Does Zaev sell his identity and language, and thus give a gift to state-owned companies? What is the benefit for Macedonia and who gave Zaev the right to negotiate and promise everything? Macedonia is not a private property owned by Zaev to sell whatever comes to his mind,” VMRO-DPMNE pointed out.


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