Hard times for the ruling SDSM – the former leader calls the membership against the current leader


Branko Crvenkovski, former President of the Republic of Macedonia, one of the founders and longtime leader of SDSM, addressed a public address to the leadership and members of SDSM, in which after seven years of complete abstinence from politics, reacts to the actions of the current leader of the ruling party and Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, especially in connection with his recent statements regarding Macedonian-Bulgarian historical relations.

“In the period after the formation of the Government headed by SDSM, I did not go out in public, so as not to be in a situation to confront or publicly criticize some policies and actions of my party. And there have been such situations on many occasions. I  would’ve maintained that position in the future had it not been the scandalous interview of the Prime Minister and SDSM leader Zoran Zaev. The views and theses expressed in that interview have caused and will cause severe and long-term consequences for the Macedonian people and the Macedonian state,” says Crvenkovski.

Crvenkovski says that the views and theses expressed in that interview have caused and will cause severe and long-term consequences for the Macedonian people and the Macedonian state.

Huge and irreparable damage has been done. What can and must be done is to make it clear that Zaev’s views are neither the views of the entire government, nor of the entire state leadership, he says.

“The reactions of some prominent members in the media and on social networks are welcome, but not enough. That is why, my esteemed party members, I call for the immediate convening of a session of the party’s  Central Board where it will be concluded that the views expressed by Zaev are not the views of neither the Central Board nor SDSM as a whole. To reaffirm once again the views of SDSM on the Macedonian national identity, the Macedonian language, the Macedonian history, the character of the anti-fascist struggle and ASNOM,” says Crvenkovski.

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