When you declare that you’re willing to resolve some issue at any price, than the price you pay will be the heaviest, said Former two-term Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov in his address to the public with a statement following the comments made by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in his BGNES interview.
“The price of the way the Macedonian issue is being settled is the legal and historic nullification of the Macedonian nation, because once there is no Macedonian nation, Macedonian identity or Macedonian language, then there will be no Macedonian issue. The issue of our identity is being resolved by its nullification. This pushes the Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonian people into a legal, political and historic abyss and the Pandora box is being opened. Everyone now stakes the claim to deny our birthright, at many levels. There are issues you don’t negotiate about, rights you can’t talk about, red lines you don’t cross,” Ivanov said in his statement.
According to Ivanov, it is unprecedented for politicians to give a historical interpretation of the facts due to the political context.
“The anti-fascist character of the Macedonian struggle in World War II and the contribution to liberation from Nazism and fascism in Europe has never been disputed. No one has the right, freedom and calling to change something, to twist facts, to change the truth. “It is not only inappropriate, but it is shameful and unfortunate, both for Macedonia and for the Macedonians,” Ivanov added.