(PHOTO) Mickoski on foot to Petlec, Zaev and Filipche ride motorbikes worth EUR 30,000


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski published photos Sunday of his hike to Petlec on the Maleshevo Mountain.

“This was the place where one of the founders of the Organization, Damjan Gruev, was killed in 1906. He was the ideologue, fighter and revolutionary organizer of the struggle for Macedonia, Mickoski said.

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and the Minister of Health Venko Filipche also went out to the mountains on Saturday.

But they did not go for a hike, but went for a ride with their expensive motorcycles.

“The time we spend with the children is the most important. Work responsibilities always come first, but we always work hard and find time for our sons Ivo and Dushko. Today is the day to hang out with the kids. Priceless moments with them, on the beautiful Belasica,” Filipche wrote on Facebook.

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