Albanian opposition accuses Interior Minister of chauvinism


Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski assessed the proposal of the Alliance for Albanians and Alternativa as a political pamphlet and said that it could not be understood from what the proposers want, and that they do not offer a permanent solution, after which the mentioned coalition reacted accusing Spasovski “persists” with his “chauvinist mentality “.

“The proposer of the Law on Citizenship is the coalition Alliance for Albanians and Alternative, so we have not asked for opinions and we will not ask from you, and the Ministry of Interior has no right to give an opinion on the law. Spasovski runs an institution that discriminates against its citizens on ethnic grounds, depriving them of their citizenship. We invite Minister Spasovski to announce the number of stateless persons and to give up the tendency to obscure the public with useless letters and opinions, because we do not need an opinion from them,” said the Alliance.

The party also criticizes Spasovski’s Deputy Interior Minister Nazim Bushi from the ranks of the Albanian partner in the government – DUI, saying that it is a shame that he tolerates racism and chauvinism towards Albanians. The debate and all procedures for the law in question, according to the party, take place in the Parliament and in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament.


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