Smaller political parties determined to change the electoral model


Several smaller coalition partners of Zoran Zaev’s SDSM party are reviving their demand to changes to the electoral model, and some are now threatening Zaev that they may withhold their votes in Parliament where he holds the narrowest possible majority.

Pavle Trajanov of the Democratic Union said that they are preparing the initiative which will be supported by over 30 MPs, and is expected to be submitted by the end of January. Trajanov adds that if their proposal is not accepted, the small parties have a mechanism to block decision-making and question the functioning of Parliament.

“We are working to secure unity on this issue and we stand strongly on this demand. We want to ensure that the initiative is adopted with consensus. If a dozen members of Parliament split away from the coalition and stop voting for the proposals in the Parliament it can’t operate. Let them work without us. SDSM can’t make decisions even with DUI by its side, and VMRO-DPMNE won’t be able to work either. That is why we want a mutual agreement on our request,“ said Pavle Trajanov.

The DOM party, which has been striving to close this issue for years, says that the solution should be agreed on the table with all parties by consensus. For DOM, it is crucial that over 50% of the citizens support the change of the electoral model, so they do not see a problem for the politicians to agree and the next parliamentary elections to be organized in one constituency.



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