Karakachanov: Macedonia will get the date if they sign the 12-point Annex


The Republic of Macedonia has a chance to get a date for negotiations in January or February, if they sign the 12-point Annex, which we have prepared, Bulgaria’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Krasimir Karakachanov told NOVA-News.

According to him, Macedonia had a chance to set a date for talks in November last year, but, as he says, did not want to use the chance.

“Bulgaria did not veto, but simply said that Skopje was not ready for a date for negotiations,”Karakachanov said.

The Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister stressed that Bulgaria is “in favor” of EU enlargement with the Western Balkan countries, but hate speech against everything Bulgarian was what worries them.

“Hate is based on gross and heinous falsification of history,” said Karakachanov.


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