Even neighboring countries choose the type of vaccine they will use, while in Macedonia there is still none


COVID-19 vaccines are an important tool in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, and while most countries in the world are in the midst of vaccination, and while their citizens have the opportunity to choose the type of vaccine, we have no trace or voice of the long-announced vaccines, which were discussed by Minister of Health Venko Filipche and Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, said VMRO-DPMNE’s Dr. Igor Nikolov at a press conference on Tuesday.

“In most countries, citizens have the right to choose between three types of vaccine and citizens can choose which vaccine to vaccinate, we do not have any vaccine, neither for the risk groups, nor for the other citizens. In the world, countries count what percentage of the population have been vaccinated per 100 thousand inhabitants, while in Macedonia the elderly, risk groups and those who are on the front line with COVID-19 do not have the opportunity to be vaccinated. Not even Kosovo or Bosnia and Herzegovina are on that list. At the top of the world lists in terms of the number of vaccinated citizens are Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Seychelles, the United Kingdom, Serbia, Bahrain, the United States, Malta, Iceland, Denmark,” said Nikolov.

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