Nikoloski: The non-procurement of vaccines shows the essence of the incompetent rule of Zaev, and unfortunately it costs lives


What is happening with vaccines in Macedonia is a result of the inability of the government of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, at a time when people are selling apartments and houses for private treatment, health care is chaos, people are dying because of the inability of the government to provide vaccines to citizens, said Vice President of VMRO-DPMNE and Member of Parliament Aleksandar Nikoloski.

“Unfortunately, what is happening with the vaccines in Macedonia only shows how much the SDSM officials in the government are lazy non-workers and how incompetent the government is. Unfortunately, the price of Zoran Zaev’s incompetence is paid by the citizens with their lives. Inability costs lives, because not having coronavirus prevention means lost lives every day,” said Nikoloski.

He explained that patients with coronavirus do not have adequate treatment and have nowhere to turn because there isn’t’ a proper therapy.

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