The Democratic Union proposes Macedonia to be one constituency


Democratic Union (DS) leader Pavle Trajanov submitted the proposed amendments to the Electoral Code. He proposes Macedonia to be one constituency, to remain the proportional model, to have no election threshold and the calculation for the election of MPs to be done according to the D’Hondt method.

“With the changes, the composition of the Parliament is expected to be a realistic reflection of the determination of the citizens, to strengthen the rule of law, to develop democratic processes and create conditions for systemic changes in the country. Based on the consultations so far, most of the parties are for Macedonia to be one constituency (there is still a possibility for three MPs to be our emigrants), but there are considerations to have open lists, to have an election threshold and the like,” reads the statement released by the Democratic Union.

The party, led by former Interior Minister Pavle Trajanov, is part of the ruling SDSM-led coalition.

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