Opposition MP announces amendment in Parliament to cancel refund of salaries of damaged private sector


LjupchoPrendzov, GROM MP in the Macedonian Parliament, in an interview in the“Analiza” show on TV 24, says that he will submit an amendment to the Parliament for forgiveness of the funds of 14,500 denars that the government gave for salaries of the private sector, because as he said some of the companies if they submit a positive report will have to return the aid.

“The state always says that it helps, but when you help, usually if you help me, of course you do not ask for anything in return. However, most of the funds of 14,500 denars that they receive net, i.e. 22,778 denars that the gross companies receive, should know that now if they are positive on the final account, they must return that money back to the state, and a large part they do not even know that they should be returned,” said Prendzov.

He pointed out that last October alone the budget deficit was 1 billion and 47 million denars, in November it was already 5 billion 230 million denars and in December 2020 the budget deficit was 13 billion and 809 million denars.

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