COVID-19 death toll in Macedonia stands at 3% – 2% worldwide


The country has a harder time dealing with this pandemic, in our country the percentage of deaths is 3% of the number of COVID-19 cases, while worldwide the death toll stands at 2%, Dr. Taner Hasan from the September 8 General Hospital told “Studio 10” on TV24 .

“Our hospital is one of the first to deal only with this issue. As much as 90 percent of our time is spent on patient patients. In our country, the number does not decrease, every day there is a large number of patient patients. We have about 100 patients on average, in more severe patients there is a decrease in saturation, it is the most common problem, a complication. The virus is still unknown, and even during therapy, approaches to the patient and the disease change. Some things that we used to give as therapy, now we don’t. Even after a year, it is still very problematic, we are constantly learning, even we, who are not infectious diseases specialists, are working on this issue. We have made great progress so far,” said Dr. Hasan.

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