Four SDSM councilors in Centar received money from the municipality


I read that four councilors from the current Council of the Municipality of Centar, took money for treatment for their family member from the budget of the Municipality of Centar. These decisions were made by the same council in which they are members, reveals StevchoJakimovski, former mayor of Karposh and former Minister of Economy and Labor and Social Affairs.

The current leader of the GROM party claims that among those who took money is Jon Frchkoski, son of Professor LjubomirFrchkoski, former Minister of Interior and Foreign Affairs in SDSM-led governments.

“These decisions are 102.6% contrary to the law on conflict of interest. Councilors who have decided to give money to their families have a conflict of interest, he said, calling on the Anti-Corruption Commission the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of fighting corruption, LjupchoNikolovski to do something about it, reads Jakimovski’s social media status over the Centar Municipality scandal.

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