475 new wiretapping orders in 2020, mostly for the needs of the Ministry of Interior


The Director of the Operational-Technical Agency OTA Zoran Angelovski before the Parliamentary Commission for Supervision of the Implementation of the Measures for Interception of Communications presented the Annual Report on the work of OTA for 2020 and the Annual Financial Plan for 2021 for the funds from the Agency for Electronic Communications.

The OTA report submitted to the Parliament states that during 2020 for the needs of authorized bodies in the country, OTA technically mediated in 475 new activations of the measure for interception of communications and 378 extensions of the measure for interception of communications.

Out of the total number of new activations of the measure for interception of communications, 321 were for the needs of the Ministry of Interior, and 68 for the needs of the Public Prosecutor’s Office. Of the stated 378 extensions of the measures for interception of communications mediated by OTA in 2020, 104 were for the needs of the Ministry of Interior, while 36 for the needs of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

During 2020, four disciplinary proceedings were conducted in the OTA.

The report stated that during 2020 OTA conducted a planned and extraordinary inspection of the work of the operators related to the fulfillment of the technical conditions and the applied measures and standards provided by law.

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