Upcoming SDSM Congress – party divisions deepening, Shekerinska’s function uncertain


A big intra-party rift is taking place in the last period in the ranks of the ruling SDSM, it seems as the culmination of the latent disagreements with the policies pursued by the party under the current leadership and personal intolerance, as well as rivalry for supremacy, party sources briefed NetPress.

According to the information, party leader ZoranZaev in the upcoming intra-party elections, the only candidate for the SDSM helm, is preparing for a final showdown with the so-called “Skopje wing”. This means removing  Minister of Defense RadmilaShekerinska from the current vice-presidential position in the party, on which, according to NetPress interlocutors, Zaev has been working intensively.

As the familiar with the developments among the Social Democrats inform, Zaev plans to appoint current Minister of Health VenkoFiliche in the position of Shekerinska, in whose company he has been continuously in the last period, much more than with any other member of his party in the government office. However, the sources point out that when a few days ago at a meeting of the party’s central board he tried to ‘check the pulse’ and just as thinking out loud to mention that Filipche would be a good choice for that party position, the leader met with strong resentment from many influential SDSM members.

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