Arsovski: Zaev committed a crime when he called Violeta who is a SDSM party soldier


Each and everyone in the Government headed by Zaev is a liar. Just 2 days ago, when the scandal broke out that Zaev personally phoned to let people pass at the Deve Bair border crossing, the Government sent a statement that they were gross manipulations, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Dimche Arsovski said at Wednesday’s press conference.

“Yesterday Zaev admitted that he called a clerk with a beautiful voice named Violeta, as could be seen in the media and lied that he did not know the clerk and told her to let the vehicles enter the country, as a concerned person over his citizens, of course,” says Arsovski.

“Zoran Zaev wanted to manipulate the general public, tried to hide such a scandal, but after being caught in the crossfire, he had to admit to it. With this, he abused his official duty and influenced the clerk, who is neither allowed to receive orders from him, nor to act. She can only act in accordance with the legal possibilities and responsibilities she has in the workplace, including on the orders of her superiors, and her superior is not Zoran Zaev”, says Arsovski and adds:

“Then, it is scandalous that one of the vehicles was a foreign vehicle from Kosovo, with Kosovo license plates and Kosovo citizens inside, which is contrary to what the state said were Macedonian citizens, and is contrary to any conclusion of any session of the Government.

The government tried to hide it, and there is still open doubt, whether and what these vehicles may have been transported and whether anyone made a search and a report that was released after the urgency of Zoran Zaev?”, says Arsovski.

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