15 people die, 1,216 new COVID-19 cases


Out of 3,761 COVID-19 tests carried out in Macedonia in the past 24 hours, 1,216 new cases were registered, 11 patients recovered and 15 died (aged between 53 and 94), the Health Ministry said on Thursday.

Skopje – 624, Prilep – 80, Bitola – 50, Veles – 46, Kumanovo – 43, Tetovo – 40, Kavadarci -36, Kochani – 32, Ohrid – 30, Negotino – 23, Strumica – 22, Shtip – 21, Gevgelija – 20, Valandovo – 16, Gostivar and Berovo – 14 each, Demir Kapija – 13, Resen – 12, Probistip and Krushevo – 9 each, Sveti Nikole – 8, Struga, Radovish and Delchevo – 7 each, Vinica – 5, Kichevo, Kriva Palanka, Bogdanci and Pehchevo – 4 each, Kratovo and Demir Hisar – 3 each, Debar and Makedonski Brod – 2 each, Makedonska Kamenica and Dojran – 1 each.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Macedonia has registered 116,438 confirmed coronavirus cases, while 99,126 people have recovered. The death toll stands at 3,403. At the moment, there are 13,909 active cases across the country.


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