Zaev reelected as SDSM leader


Zoran Zaev was elected Sunday, at the first direct, intra-party election, as leader of SDSM with 59,240 votes in favor and 865 against, while 277 of the ballots cast were invalid.

SDSM’s Central Election Committee said that the election process took place without any incidents and in line with protocols.

A total of 90% of the party’s 68,991 active members cast their ballots at 237 polling places. The votes from 227 voting stations have been counted so far.

According to the Central Election Committee of SDSM, the process ended successfully, with the party conducting a transparent and democratic intra-party election process in line with statutory provisions and those of the party rulebook, at all 237 polling places in 80 municipalities in the period 8 am to 7 pm.

“According to the percentage of counted votes and having in mind the freely-expressed will of party members, Zoran Zaev was elected as leader of SDSM at the first direct intra-party election. Today we set new standards in politics, a new practice in democratic processes,” said representatives of SDSM’s Central Election Committee, adding that the voting process was completely safe for all participants, in line with health protection measures and recommendations.


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