Democratic Union demands an urgent Parliament session due to the deteriorating epidemiological situation


Due to the extremely complex and difficult health condition, lack of vaccines for immunization of the population and with almost constant four-digit indicators of newly infected and high numbers of COVID-19 deaths, as well as the consequences for business, I point out the need for Parliament to function immediately, otherwise more ideas for declaring a state of emergency are strengthened, says MP and leader of the Democratic Union (DS)PavleTrajanov.

“I propose that  Talat Xhaferi convene a coordination of all parliamentary groups and independent MPs, which will determine the top priorities for which the Parliament should sit. It is necessary to define the priority laws, especially those that are in function of protecting the health of the citizens, preventing the spread of the virus and providing vaccines, as well as the laws that provide measures to support companies that suffer from the pandemic, financial assistance to numerous independent artists, musicians, athletes, as well as assistance to vulnerable groups of the population, the unemployed, etc. In times of such conditions, the introduction of a state of emergency will further complicate the situation, will limit the rights and freedoms of citizens, will collapse business, will open opportunities for high corruption and will negatively affect the social life and mental health of citizens,” said the leader of the small party of the parliamentary majority.

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