Mickoski: This government is leading the country into an abyss


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski told TV 21 that VMRO-DPMNE does not give up the intention to push this incompetent government that the country is pushing into the abyss.

“Any mature politician, any politician who thinks well of Macedonia, regardless of whether they are from SDSM, or the political parties in the SDSM Coalition, or from DUI, regardless of whether they think well of the state and the citizens will no longer support this majority in Parliament. Because it is obvious that this majority in the Parliament leads Macedonia into an abyss,” Mickoski stressed.

Mickoski added that VMRO-DPMNE as an opposition at the moment when he saw that the will is being violated, that people are helpless, the citizens are left on their own and VMRO-DPMNE tried to help and thus showed and proved maturity.

“That does not mean, I repeat, that we have given up our intention to form a new parliamentary majority. And that parliamentary majority will lead the country much better compared to this parliamentary majority, “Mickoski explained.

Mickoski pointed out that most of Zoran Zaev’s coalition partners feel deceived and disappointed.

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