5,000 people to be vaccinated at 48 vaccination stations at the Boris Trajkovski Sports Center


Mass vaccination of the citizens with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine starts on Monday (April 5) in Skopje at the Boris Trajkovski Sports Center. Almost 3,000 shots are set to be administered.

They will receive jabs at 48 vaccination stations after earlier this week Serbia donated the first batch of 20,000 Sputnik V vaccines.

A rehearsal took place Saturday at the sports arena of how the mass vaccination will be coordinated, including points where citizens will be registered, examined by doctors and vaccinated.

Filipche said in the beginning, 5,000 people a day on average will be vaccinated across the country. The initial stage involves the immunization of people working in the Interior Ministry, the army, journalists, City of Skopje services as well as bus drivers, fire fighters, kindergarten staff, pay toll staff, etc.


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