Taravari: The Minister should make a decision to make private clinics available to the state


Former Health Minister Arben Taravari has asked his successor to allow private hospitals to help the state. According to him, it is high time for the Health Minister to make decisions to transfer all capacities, even in private clinics, to the state.

“It is extremely alarming, we see the numbers are worrying. There were 254 deaths in Great Britain, there are 263 deceased in our country. These are worrying numbers, not to mention the capacity of hospitals. I say this as a doctor, most of my friends tell me that there are no vacant beds at the hospitals, there are a huge number of patients who are treated at home. The state must make a protocol according to which the family doctors will be guided, I still cannot understand why the minister does not take steps to help the private hospitals. Private clinics are five times, sometimes ten times more expensive. It is high time for the Minister to make decisions to transfer all facilities, even in private clinics, to the state, during this third peak. Macedonia ranks fifth in the world in terms of deaths per million inhabitants in the last 7 days, out of 153 countries under investigation, which provide official data. We are the first in the region in terms of mortality, unfortunately there is still a lack of vaccines, we are the last in the region,” Mayor of Gostivar Arben Taravari told Studio 10 on TV24.

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