Misajlovski: Walid Isa Hmais, the money launderer of the Italian mafia, also owned a fake Macedonian passport


The Mafia has got its own state. The “Mafia” affair of the government led by Zoran Zaev shows that state structures have provided logistics to serious drug cartels, mobsters of Balkan, European and world character. So from what has been published and presented by VMRO-DPMNE so far were legal passports and travel documents with stolen or fake identities for members and leaders of the Montenegrin-Serbian Skaljarski clan, one of the leaders of the Turkish mafia, in Albanian drug cartels, accuses VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Vlado Misajlovski on Thursday.

Since 2017, Walid is a wanted man by a number of European countries. After he received a Macedonian passport, he used it to travel to Turkey through the Skopje airport. He is believed to reside in Mauritius, Misajlovski said, accusing the Zaev regime of turning Macedonia into “Colombia in the Balkans”.

VMRO-DPMNE Vice President openly asks: Why does the Ministry of Interior not investigate whether they opened bank accounts?

”Why even after the insistence of the partner security services Spasovski and the Ministry of Interior did not take anything to sanction this scandal and affair? These mobsters paid money to issue these passports, where did that money end up? One thing is clear, the mafia and the government were one and the same. And that is why there must be responsibility,” added Misajlovski.

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