Interior Minister Spasovski should take responsibility for the “Mafia” scandal


The unprecedented scandal with more than 200 passports issued to international mafia bosses has damaged more than 1,000 investigations conducted by various countries. Experts estimate that the scandal violated the principles of Interpol and damaged the country’s image. The mega-scandal that provided criminals with “hidden asylum” will be noted in all reports of international institutions, says Ljubomir Gjurchevski,  former assistant to the Ministry of Interior.

He believes that it will be very difficult for this country to clean up this so-called black stain, and says that the least that can be done is to involve the EU in clearing up this case.

Gjurchevski pointed out that according to him, the procedure for issuing a passport is not simple and that it cannot be carried out only by an officer, therefore the head of the Interior Ministry Oliver Spasovski needs to take the responsibility.

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