The government is walking all over people to preserve its seats


VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski, said Tuesday in an interview with MTV that Zoran Zaev does not want the country to get a date for EU negotiations because he cares more about the mafia, and Zaev plays a judge in cases like the Dragi Rashkovski one.

“Zoran Zaev does not want the country to get a date for EU negotiations because he cares more about the mafia, such steps of this government to move closer to the European Union will not be possible, nor will he be able to play a judge, as he says he has reviewed all the evidence in relation to Rashkovski and the man according to him was not guilty, then to say that he had no idea, and to describe the product of Dragi Rashkovski, to further let go of those who will endanger his personal project, just to stay in power, and so that the mafia continues to work,” said Stoilkovski.

Stoilkovski says that the messages from the international community are clear regarding the rule of law, and today ranking for media freedom was published, and our country is sinking in virtually every segment of social existence, he said.



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