SDSM’s measures do not help businesses and do not create new jobs


The sixth set of measures of Zaev and Besimi is overdue and the measures are not intended. Crumbs for the economy yet again, which will not help them get out of this crisis, says opposition VMRO-DPMNE in a press release.

“While the business sector and the economy in Macedonia are struggling to overcome the KOVID crisis, even with this package of measures the business sector will not cover even part of the losses. The government has tailored this package in order to minimize the damage caused by the pandemic, and not to compensate companies. The most affected sectors, the textile and leather industry, where thousands of people went on forced leave and were laid off last month, the government with these measures for these sectors, does not provide support. There is also no help for the builders, the mining industry, the pop artists, and there are no measures for the investors in the industrial zones, nor for the food industry. The measures of SDSM and Zaev do not help the business and do not create new jobs, they do not even help to keep the current employees in the companies. The criminal government of SDSM and Zaev does not have an appropriate fiscal policy, there is no reduction of taxes, which does not help the private sector, but worsens the situation Instead of supporting the economy, the measures will turn the most critical economic sectors into the most critical social sectors, and the consequence will be a technological redundancy of employees or bankrupts due to COVID-19. This is the most incompetent economic government in the Republic of Macedonia. Businesses are closing down every day, hundreds of people are losing their jobs, and criminals in power think only of tenders, crime and personal enrichment,” the opposition said.

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