If the Prime Minister does not understand me, he is free to fire me, says Paunovski


If the Prime Minister Zoran Zaev does not understand me, I have nothing else to say but that he is free to fire me at the next government session, head of the Market Inspectorate Stojko Paunovski told SDK.MK.

Earlier, Paunovski said that he would not sign the employment decisions for 35 people, except for 12 who have the appropriate education, even in case he is fired, to which Prime Minister Zoran Zaev told him not to oppose, but to implement government decisions. and not to wage war through the media.

Paunovski told TV Sitel on Thursday that he will not give up, because the people who do not have a proper education and choose a job – that is, they want an office job, not a field one – will not be employed at his institution.

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