Market inspectors met with Prime Minister, the decision on their boss will be “cut” at the government session


Prime Minister ZoranZaev met with three inspectors from the State Market Inspectorate (SMI), but it is still unknown what final decision will be made regarding the announced dismissal of the director of the inspectorate StojkoPaunovski, who refused to distribute 35 so-called “framework” civil servants who have not gone to work for years because they do not have the appropriate qualifications and refuse field work.

At the meeting, the inspectors submitted materials to Zaev, but also the petition signed by over a hundred inspectors requesting Paunovski to remain director of this institution.

Zaev will make the decision whether to propose dismissal of the head of the State Market Inspectorate at today’s government session, after reviewing the materials submitted to the inspectors.

When asked by a journalist, what will be his position at today’s government session on the issue of Paunovski, Zaev said that he will state his position at the government session.

“I want to read in detail the materials that the inspectors left me. They explained orally, I understand what they said, but left important material that I want to read. It is valuable because it will affect my formation of attitude,” said Zaev.

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