VMRO-DPMNE: Crvenkovska needs to resign


VMRO-DPMNE accuses that the newly appointed President of the Judicial Council Pavlina Crvenkovska’s husband, just like Zaev, took out a loan from Eurostandard Bank through his company, and never paid it back.

“Apart from the fact that she was Buckovski’s chief of staff and an official in the SDSM governments, Crvenkovska has another connection with the top of SDSM.

Crvenkovska is not and cannot be impartial because she is a party official from SDSM who has been in high positions over the years.

Crvenkovska has never been a judge, and she should evaluate judges.

SDSM nebulae have no borders.

We call on the SCPC to speed up the case of Crvenkovska, and the Public Prosecutor to open a case for possible abuses.

Crvenkovska needs to resign. Her credibility has been violated, and with that all her decisions are being questioned,” reads the statement of the largest opposition party.

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