Arsovski: Filipche and Zaev will advertise the successful vaccination with 300,000 euros of public money


The SDSM government does not interrupt with dubious tenders and does not waste time at all. Although DragiRashkovski, as an experienced receiver of government tenders, is no longer the Secretary General of the Government, the General Secretariat is still working hard, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Dimche Arsovski said Monday.

“Today I want to introduce the public to a tender announced by the Government, and you will see why I say a dubious tender. On the last working day of April, before the holidays, on April 29, the SDSM government announced a tender for marketing services, beware, marketing services for designing and implementing a campaign of public interest for successful vaccination and protection of the population from COVID-19. From what can be seen in the tender documentation that unfortunately I could not download – maybe it is a new method of transparency of SDSM. The value of this tender is 15,635,580 denars or 255,000 euros without VAT. With VAT around 300,000 euros, 300,000 euros for marketing services and promotion of the unsuccessful ministers and Prime Minister VenkoFilipce and ZoranZaev. Three hundred thousand euros of taxpayers’ money, the Government will give to one of their close marketing agencies to design and implement a campaign for successful vaccination and protection of the population from COVID-19,” said Arsovski.

It is unclear, he added, how they intend to promote themselves with 300,000 euros through the media, if we all know that the Government banned paid government advertising campaigns in the media at the very beginning of its arrival in 2017. Are they planning to break the law?

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