Opposition expects to win in the upcoming local elections, the party stays open to coalitions


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski in an interview with weekly newspaper Fokus said that VMRO-DPMNE was the largest and most organized political party in the country and that in the local elections to be held this fall, he expects victory, at least one more mayor, or one more advisor on the advisors’ lists.

Regarding the possible electoral coalitions with the political parties, Mickoski stressed that all the cards are on the table and that all options are in play, especially because these are local elections.

He adds that he expects the support of the elections in two ways, through informal coalitions with the support that the citizens would give for a certain candidate and through pre-election coalitions with political parties. Depending on supply and demand, he added, coalitions with both parliamentary and non-parliamentary parties, as well as Albanian parties, are possible.

“I expect support for the local elections with informal, dynamic coalitions over certain candidates, and in pre-election coalitions with some of the parties, whether those from outside of the Parliament or the Albanian opposition parties. We are deeply convinced that VMRO-DPMNE is the largest and best organized political force in the country, Mickoski said in his interview with Fokus.

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