Veto stays, Bulgaria expects guarantees on the implementation of the Friendship Treaty


Bulgaria is open to active, open and meaningful dialogue with the Republic of North Macedonia, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Svetlan Stoev told a press conference on Friday after meeting with Portuguese Minister of State and Foreign Affairs Augusto Santos Silva and EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi in Sofia.

Stoev said he expects neighbors in the region to work in the spirit of sincerity and constructiveness, pointing out that there’s complete continuity in Bulgaria’s position regarding North Macedonia , and that the maintaining of goodneighborly relations and the implementation of the 2017 Friendship Treaty remain of key significance for Bulgaria.

EU Commissioner Várhelyi said there’s quite a lot of work ahead, and it’s very important to listen to Bulgaria, as the country is a leading member state when it comes to the design of the EU policy towards the Western Balkans.

Silva pointed out that there are currently two enlargement processes – the start of the intergovernmental conferences for Montenegro, as well as for Albania and North Macedonia. Now was the time to have direct consultations with Bulgaria in Sofia. They will be of great importance for the ongoing process, Silva added.

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