Is Lukarevska making progress in the party because of the debt of 1,220,000 euros to Zaev’s companies?


It is not possible to advance in SDSM if there is no part or if it is not supported, it hides crime! Macedonia is indebted, the debt is skyrocketing, Macedonia is in recession, the economy is in free fall, tax collection is at a standstill, but that is why SDSM has a solution – increased taxes for citizens, said VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski.

“Sanja Lukarevska is the director of the Public Revenue Office. Sanja Lukarevska knows that the family companies of Zoran and Vice Zaevi owe tax. Sanja Lukarevska advanced within SDSM. Zaev’s companies are also on the list of tax evaders. On the 47th place on this list is “Dravas Engineering” DOO Strumica, with a total unpaid tax of 41 million 325 thousand denars, and on the 55th place is the famous “Sara Engineering” DOO Strumica with 33 million 812 thousand unpaid denars. Or a total of over 75 million denars, for easier, the companies of Zoran and Vice Zaev owe one million 220 thousand euros tax to the state,” said Stoilkovski.


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